Browse Items (3447 total)

1878 Past and Present of Kane County -  Reduced.jpg
On the 22nd day of November 1838, a man popularly known as “Boss” Read, who still lives in Blackberry, erected for P.Y. Bliss a frame house, which is still occupied by its original owner, on its original site. In the Spring of 1839, the Methodists…

Historic Postcards of Bliss Park in Kaneville, Illinois

Postcard 1 - Reduced.jpg
Postcard Stamped September 10, 1909, Sugar Grove, IL

Handwritten Note:

Dear Roma Florance,

I am having a fine time. Hope you are well and all right.
With best regards to all from Hilda.


Postcard 2 - Reduced.jpg
Stamped July 30, 1952, Sugar Grove, IL

Handwritten Note:

To: Linda Christian, Seville, Ohio


I am having a good time here. But it would be better if you were with me. I sure miss you a lot, so you know how much I like you. Have…

Postcard 3 - Reduced.jpg
Photo cropped from The Ember 1921.

Available in the "School Yearbooks" Collection and at the link below:

Postcard 4 - Reduced.jpg
"Greetings from Sugar Grove" Postcard depicts photos of Old West Hotel, Sugar Grove Normal and Industrial School, Sugar Grove Supply Co. Wagon, Will A Johnson Livery and Stable, Sugar Grove Methodist Church, and Sugar Grove Railroad…

Postcard 5 - Reduced.jpg
Postmarked July 19, 1910, Kaneville, Illinois

Handwritten Note:

To: Mr. M. D. Seavey, Sugar Grove, Illinois

I thought you would like a picture of the picnickers. I am enjoying my vacation. Tomorrow I am going to Birt, Iowa. Eva Shorllhom

Postmarked November 5, 1910

Handwritten Note

To: Miss Ida Emeni (?), Evansville, Wisconsin

Many happy returns of your birthday.


Postcard 10 - Reduced.jpg

The Only Six Mule Appaloosa Team in Existence. Name of Mules: Pedro, Lady Diamond, Amos, Andy, Joker, Sunflower Joe.

Will A. Johnson & Son
Live Stock, Hay and Grain
Real Estate and Farm Implements
Sugar Grove,…

Postcard 11 - Reduced.jpg
Postmarked October 3, 191?, Batavia, Illinois

Hand written note:

To: Miss Lillian A. Davis, R.D. #2, Sugar Grove, Illinois

Can you see where your room is? Looks fine, don't it. There is plenty of room on the roof.

Sugar Grove Normal and Industrial School 1878
Sugar Grove Normal and Industrial School with people around it.

Printed on the photograph:

Sugar Grove Normal and Industrial School.

FRANK H. HALL, Principal.

M. E. PETTY, H. L. NORTON, Assistants.

MRS. NELLIE SMITH, Teacher of Vocal…

Printed on the front:HOTEL WEST SUGAR GROVE ILL

Stamped on the back:


The ornate building that served as the boarding house for student scholars called Uncle Tom's Cabin was destroyed by fire in…
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