Sugar Grove Cemetery

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1878 Past and Present of Kane County -  Reduced.jpg

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Sugar Grove Cemetery


The first cemetery in the township was situated, in 1839, in the low ground near the slough, east of the residence of P.Y Bliss, but, after interring one of the old settlers there in a grave half filled with water, the neighbors of the deceased unanimously concluded that it would be sacrilege to bury another friend in such a location, and accordingly, a burying ground was purchased a little north of the former position and in a place adapted for the purpose. It is now surrounded by a good stone fence, and contains several elegant and costly monuments.

Source: "Past and Present of Kane County, Illinois. 1878", p. 415.

Source: "Sin-Qua-Sip Sugar Grove: A History of Sugar Grove Township, Kane County, Illinois" by Patsy Mighell Paxton

The first cemetery was laid out in 1839 in the low land south of the Bliss District School. After interring one of the old settlers in a grave half filled with water, they decided to change the location and the old part of the present cemetery was the laid out [Sugar Grove Cemetery on Merrill Rd.], the land being given by Lockwood Palmer from his farm.

Source: Sugar Grove Cemetery Association
PO Box 465, Sugar Grove, Illinois 60554

October 29, 1877
J.H. Bliss, Wm G. Jones and H.B. Densmore purchased the land for the Sugar Grove Cemetery for $600.00 for six acres from Wm W. Newman and his wife, Laura, of the City of Aurora in the County of Kane and State of Illinois. This was to the west and north of the Sugar Grove Building Ground. [Taken from copies of the legal papers.]

November 7, 1877
According to Articles of Agreement made and entered into on November 7, 1877, J.H. Bliss, Wm G. Jones and H.B. Densmore sold to James Danly, W.G. Jones and B. Densmore Cemetery Trustees, would purchased 6 acres for $600.00, this being the new section of the grounds. $300.00 was to be paid on October 24, 1879 with interest of 10% per annum. The interest to be paid annually. [Taken from copies of the legal papers.]

February 1, 1880 (1881)
J.H. Bliss, Wm. G. Jones & Elizabeth, his wife, and H.B. Densmore & N. J. Densmore, his wife, sold to the Trustees of the Sugar Grove Cemetery and their successors in office for $600.00 the 6 acres in the Agreement entered into on November 7, 1877. {Taken from copies of the legal papers.]

February 6, 1889
The Ladies Aid Society will give a bazaar in the rink the 12th for the purpose of raising funds to improve the cemetery. The Kaneville band will dispense excellent music and the Aurora Zonves will give an exhibition drill. The ladies are making preparations to feed the hungry. [Article in the Aurora Beacon News]

August 22, 1898
Notes of a three days trip into Blackberry, Sugar Grove and Kaneville, by N.S. Young. From here, we went to the Sugar Grove Cemetery grounds. The entire enclosure is kept in first-class order. The lots with monuments and grave stones are kept neatly trimmed with lawn mower, and te people of Sugar Grove should be praised for the work that has been done to make it a place that is a pleasure to visit. here I found the gravstone of R. Spalding, who was froen to death ont he night of Nove. 24, 1845 at Nelson Grove, in Batavia. He was my nearest neighbor in Blackberry. I well remember of going to his house after he was brought home, of shaving him and arranging for his funeral, and superintending the burial at Sugar Grove. There are quite a number of costly monuments of Scotch and Vermont marble. [Article in the Aurora Beacon News]

Date Unknown
The 'Good stone fence' is still a very unique part of the cemetery property. From the start, this has been a community cemetery operated by its members and governed by their own officers, for the purpose of burying their deceased. [Found on Cemetery Letterhead paper along with the excerpt from the 1878 history book]

After 73 years of use, the cemetery was incorporated by the state of Illinois on the 25th day of November 1912. The board of directors are guided by the laws and regulations set up by the Sugar Grove Cemetery Association and by the Illinois Care Act.

Source: Sugar Grove Cemetery Association


The Sugar Grove Cemetery is located on Merrill Road just west of Bliss Road.

For more information about graves and people interred at Sugar Grove Cemetery, visit .


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