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Keck's Store Rebuilt - with Post Office.jpg
The building of the Sugar Grove Supply Company located at 221 Main Street was built in 1893. It later burned down around 1918 and became the site of Keck's Store. The new Keck's IGA Store was rebuilt in brick. For a time, the Post Office was housed…

Postcard to: Mr. Edgar Snow, 1201 W. Stoughton, Urbana, Illinois
Dated: November 10, 1910

Well, what is the matter down there? I've been wondering what has become of you; didn't know but ht maybe you had dropped off the earth. Does this scene…

Cooper / Needham / Knudson Hall and Blacksmith Shop, Built by Geo. Wolf; late 1800s,

Advertisement reads: "C.J. Knudson, Practical Horse-Shoeing, General Repair Work in Wood and Iron."

The building at 214 South Main Street was known as Cooper’s…

Photos taken:

The building at 214 South Main Street was know as Coopers Hall. It included the Cooper & Needham Blacksmithing shop (also known as Knudson Hall & Blacksmith Shop) downstairs along with a basketball court and stage up stairs. The court was so narrow…

Judd-postcard-02 - Reduced.jpg
Susie Judd's house in 1913.

On the back of this photo is written Vivian Needham. Vivian is presumably the daughter of Frank and Daisy Needham. Vivian was about 9 years old in 1913, and one of the girls in the photo is possibly her sister Grace…
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