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People A-E, SGHS(2)_0235.jpg
Handwritten Note:

How do you like our new car?

The plaque on the large granite rock reads:

"BOLSTER. This hitching rock was recovered from the field and moved by two yoke of oxen and stoneboat to the cabin of Artemus Bolster who homesteaded Indian Land in 1844 on Wheeler Road. Seven…

People A-E, SGHS(2)_0192Reduced.jpg
Label: Lyle Bolster, Manufacturer Representative, Architectural Products, 3N 188 W. Mary Lane, St. Charles, Illinois 60174

People A-E, SGHS(2)_0185Reduced.jpg
Amboy Depot, Illinois Central Railroad, Amboy, Illinois

The Amboy Depot Museum is located in a former depot and division headquarters of the Illinois Central Railroad located in Amboy, Illinois. The building is…
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