The ornate building that served as a boarding house for student scholars called Uncle Tom's Cabin burned downed in 1879, only 3 years after it was built. It was a great loss as Thomas Judd “Uncle Tom” had no insurance. However, he then built a new…
The ornate building that served as a boarding house for student scholars called Uncle Tom's Cabin burned downed in 1879, only 3 years after it was built. It was a great loss as Thomas Judd “Uncle Tom” had no insurance. However, he then built a new…
The ornate building that served as a boarding house for student scholars called Uncle Tom's Cabin burned downed in 1879, only 3 years after it was built. It was a great loss as Thomas…
Before 1910 - Electa Booth Johnsen
Given by her to Hist. Soc.
The ornate building that served as a boarding house for student scholars called Uncle Tom's Cabin burned downed in 1879, only 3 years after it was built.…
From "Sugar Grove, Illinois 1834 - 1984" by Ruth Frantz and Frank Damon:
"Spring of 1834 - Black Swamp, Ohio, six men happened to make camp together: Asa McDole from Chemung County, New York; brothers James and Isaac Isbell; nephew Parmeno…