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Located on Prairie Road east of the Creek. Pastor Henry Smith.

Handwritten on the back:


Built in 1878 after fire destroyed first Uncle Tom's Cabin.

The ornate building that served as a boarding house for student scholars called Uncle Tom's Cabin burned downed in 1879, only 3 years after it was…

Handwritten on the back:

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Boarding Place for Sugar Grove High School Students


The ornate building that served as a boarding house for student scholars called Uncle Tom's Cabin burned downed in 1879, only 3 years…


The ornate building that served as a boarding house for student scholars called Uncle Tom's Cabin burned downed in 1879, only 3 years after it was built. It was a great loss as Thomas Judd “Uncle Tom” had no insurance. However, he then built a new…


The ornate building that served as a boarding house for student scholars called Uncle Tom's Cabin burned downed in 1879, only 3 years after it was built. It was a great loss as Thomas Judd “Uncle Tom” had no insurance. However, he then built a new…

Handwritten on the back:


West's Hotel
about 1900

The ornate building that served as a boarding house for student scholars called Uncle Tom's Cabin burned downed in 1879, only 3 years after it was built. It was a great loss as Thomas…

Handwritten on the back:

Before 1910 - Electa Booth Johnsen
Given by her to Hist. Soc.

The ornate building that served as a boarding house for student scholars called Uncle Tom's Cabin burned downed in 1879, only 3 years after it was built.…

Whildin Farm 1958
near Aurora Municipal Airport

From "Sugar Grove, Illinois 1834 - 1984" by Ruth Frantz and Frank Damon:

"Spring of 1834 - Black Swamp, Ohio, six men happened to make camp together: Asa McDole from Chemung County, New York; brothers James and Isaac Isbell; nephew Parmeno…

assorted photos

Johnson-Will-01 - Reduced.jpg
"Uncle Billy" Johnson posing with mule at his barn at the corner of Main and First Streets, Sugar Grove, IL ca 1940's.

Will A Johnson Sr, Sugar Grove, Illinois, was a collector of appaloosa mules. Said to be the only six appaloosa mule hitch in…


Donkey hitched to sulky
Will Johnson Sr with grandson Rick Johnson at Main St. Ricks's third birthday 1950. Location Main and Maple Streets, Sugar Grove, IL
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