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Quilt Raffle and Bliss House Store
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1886 Class Song written by student Addie Coulson
1886 Class Song written by student Addie Coulson taken from the book, "Sugar Grove and the Class of 1886" available at the following link:
The class song performed in 2009 can be found on…
1871 Sketches of Homesteads in Sugar Grove Township
Sketches of Following Homesteads were drawn in 1871:
Benjamin, L - Section 19
Bliss, PY - Section 10
Chapman, Henry - Section 8
Cole, F - Section 2
Densmore, HB - Section 14
Fikes, George - Section 25
George, B - Section 24
Gillett, LH -…
1871 Sketches and Modern Streetscapes 2020
Click on the PDF Document to view the sketches of prominent Sugar Grove Homesteads from the 1871 Atlas of Kane County alongside the modern streetscape of 2020.
1871 Sketches
1871 Sketch: Residence of Mark Seavey
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.
1871 Sketch: Residence of George Crego
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.
Quoted from 10-1-2022 News Article in "Kane County Connects":
Historic Kane County Farm Given National Designation
Kane County Connects Staff 10/1/2022…
1871 Sketch: Residence of William Price
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.
1871 Sketch: Residence of W.G. Jones
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.
1871 Sketch: Residence of S.S. Ingham
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.
1871 Sketch: Residence of S.S. Ingham
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.
1871 Sketch: Residence of S.G. Paull
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.
1871 Sketch: Residence of R. McDole
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.
1871 Sketch: Residence of P.Y. Bliss
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.
1871 Sketch: Residence of P.S. McDole
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.
1871 Sketch: Residence of L.H. Gillett
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.
1871 Sketch: Residence of L. Benjamin
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.
1871 Sketch: Residence of John Thompson
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.
1871 Sketch: Residence of Henry Chapman
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.
1871 Sketch: Residence of H.B. Densmore
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.
1871 Sketch: Residence of Gordon and Brothers
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.
1871 Sketch: Residence of George Fikes
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.
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