Browse Items (3447 total)

Gillett, LH - Section 21.jpg
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.

George, B - Section 24.jpg
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.

George, B - Section 24.jpg
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.

Fikes, George - Section 25_edited-1.jpg
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.

Densmore, HB - Section 14.jpg
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.

Cole, F - Section 2_edited-1.jpg
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.

Chapman, Henry - Section 8.jpg
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.

Bliss, PY - Section 10.jpg
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.

Benjamin, L - Section 19.jpg
Part of a series of sketches drawn in 1871 of prominent homesteads in Sugar Grove Township.

People A-E, SGHS(2)_0235.jpg
Handwritten Note:

How do you like our new car?

People A-E, SGHS(2)_0224Reduced.jpg
Dugan and Frantz Families: Franklin Dugan and Groff Frantz. October 19, 1994.

People A-E, SGHS(2)_0212Reduced.jpg
Photo 1: Kitchen window sill has valance over window

Photo 2: Living Room facing toward second floor staircase

Photo 3: Front Room facing toward Dining Room

People A-E, SGHS(2)_0206Reduced.jpg
Label: Lyle Bolster, Manufacturer Representative, Architectural Products, 3N 188 W. Mary Lane, St. Charles, Illinois 60174
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