Alice Healy, Bill Healy, Ina Kouth, Minnie Snow, Ruth Gordon Hackett, Byron Healy, Helen Gordon Pope, Carrie Bish, Arlene Mighell, Shirley Mighell, Sarah Gordon Graham and their children. This photo was archived in the "Civics Groups" Binder.
This photo is one of several candid and posed pictures of Christmas partygoers at the restaurant on Bliss Creek Golf Course. There were no identifiers for the people in the pictures. Photo was archived in the "Civic Groups" Binder. Photo was…
This photo is one of several candid and posed pictures of Christmas partygoers at the restaurant on Bliss Creek Golf Course. There were no identifiers for the people in the pictures. Photo was archived in the "Civic Groups" Binder. Photo was…
This photo is one of several candid and posed pictures of Christmas partygoers at the restaurant on Bliss Creek Golf Course. There were no identifiers for the people in the pictures. Photo was archived in the "Civic Groups" Binder. Photo was…
Several candid and posed pictures of Christmas partygoers at the restaurant on Bliss Creek Golf Course. There were no identifiers for the people in the pictures. Photo was archived in the "Civic Groups" Binder.
Arden Persnick, 1st Chief, April 3rd, 1946-until his death in 1962.
Delmar Krieghbaum was Chief from 1962 - Apr. 3rd, 1996