Browse Items (3447 total)

A group of children and adults as part of the Merry Go Round Club

Nina and Charlie Merrill, Golden 50th Anniversary 1960s. Emily Frantz, Minnie Snow, Mary Martha McCannon

Image (12).jpg
A picture of students reading and writing excerpted from The Ember 1921.

People A-E, SGHS(2)_0206Reduced.jpg
Label: Lyle Bolster, Manufacturer Representative, Architectural Products, 3N 188 W. Mary Lane, St. Charles, Illinois 60174

Miss Marjorie McCartney's engagement to Buron Tremain, storekeeper 2-c in the U.S. Navy, is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McCartney of Sugar Grove. Burton, son of Mr. and Mrus. Leslie Tremain of Montgomery Road, in enjoying a…
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