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The people in the photo are not named, but the portrait is included in the McCannon Family Photos.

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Newspaper Transcription

Ever try to judge dozens of cakes, cookies, breads, pies and fudge? These ladies did yesterday at the Women's Fair of the Big Rock Plowing Match. The cake they are holding received a blue ribbon and was rated as best…

Newspaper Transcription:


Mr. and Mrs. Willis B. McCannon of Sugar Grove will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on April 4, 1992. They will be honored at an open house from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Sugar Grove Community…

Newspaper Transcription:


Four generation s in a well know Sugar Grove family are shown in the above picture. Reading from left to right they are: Frank McCannon Jr., 3, great grandson; Mrs. Frank…

Postcard is among the McCannon Family Photos. Adjacent portrait in the collection depicts the same child and is labeled "Frank & Willis McCannon 1914"

McCannon Children of "Doc" Dr. Willis McCannon and Grace Pressler McCannon:

Mick McCannon, Willa McCannon, and Mary Martha McCannon

Matt McCannon is wearing the US Army Uniform of Willis McCannon who served in World War II (WWII).

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This was framed and displayed at the old Sugar Grove Library. On the back of the picture was written:

OLD Jericho Stage Coach Station at the corner of Jericho Rd. and Mighell Rd., Circa 1917

The Jericho Stage Coach Station burned down in…

Maxie Judd dances on stage for a production at the Sugar Grove Community House. Many performers were associated with the Farm Bureau.
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