First Borrower - Miss Minnie Dugan (right), who has resided in Big Rock Township all of her 80 years, is shown receiving the first library pass card to Sugar Grove's new library. The presentation was made Friday afternoon by Mrs. Grace McCannon…
Robert H. Rohlf, (far right), director of a project staff that revealed a state aid plan for public library development in Illinois Thursday, is shown with William W. Bryan, outgoing president of the…
Leigh Sauer and Bob Windett performing on stage for a production at the Sugar Grove Community House. Many performers were associated with the Farm Bureau.
Pvt Lee Sherman Kouth
BIRTH 21 Nov 1887
DEATH 25 Sep 1956 (aged 68)
Sugar Grove Cemetery
Sugar Grove, Kane County, Illinois, USA
PLOT block 6, lot 1, plot 3
MEMORIAL ID 77696941