Will A. Johnson: Livery Feed and Sale Stable; Lumber, Coal and Farm Machinery Building, 253 Main Street, Sugar Grove, IL
Johnson Family
The location at 253 Main Street is now Skow Trucking.The building also provided storefronts for McCormick Harvesting Machines and Studebaker Buggies.
The gentleman standing outside is Will A. Johnson, Sr., the owner of Spotted Mules. Will A. Johnson Sr., Sugar Grove, Illinois, was a collector of Appaloosa Mules. He owned a six mule hitch owned, which was said to be the only six Appaloosa Mule hitch in the world at that time.
First advertisement reads, "Will A. Johnson. Agricultural Implements, Automobiles and Automobile Repairing, Auto and Horse Livery, Real Estate, Live Stock of All Kinds Bought and Sold."
Second advertisement reads, "Will A. Johnson & Sons Company. Breeders and Dealers in Registered Hampshire Swine. Most Popular Blood Lines. Breeding Stock any age for sale at all times."
Advertisements cropped from "The Ember 1921", Yearbook of Sugar Grove Township High School.
Available under the "School Yearbooks" Collection.
The gentleman standing outside is Will A. Johnson, Sr., the owner of Spotted Mules. Will A. Johnson Sr., Sugar Grove, Illinois, was a collector of Appaloosa Mules. He owned a six mule hitch owned, which was said to be the only six Appaloosa Mule hitch in the world at that time.
First advertisement reads, "Will A. Johnson. Agricultural Implements, Automobiles and Automobile Repairing, Auto and Horse Livery, Real Estate, Live Stock of All Kinds Bought and Sold."
Second advertisement reads, "Will A. Johnson & Sons Company. Breeders and Dealers in Registered Hampshire Swine. Most Popular Blood Lines. Breeding Stock any age for sale at all times."
Advertisements cropped from "The Ember 1921", Yearbook of Sugar Grove Township High School.
Available under the "School Yearbooks" Collection.
Sugar Grove Historical Society
Sugar Grove Historical Society
Photo, Year Book 1921
Original Format
Year Book Photos, 1921