Booth Family: Postcard to Ethel Booth from Grace with photo of Launch Party from B.S. taken north of Oregon, Illinois.

People A-E, SGHS(2)_0054Reduced.jpg
People A-E, SGHS(2)_0055Reduced.jpg


Booth Family: Postcard to Ethel Booth from Grace with photo of Launch Party from B.S. taken north of Oregon, Illinois.


Handwritten Inscription:

Dear Cousin,

I guess if I wait to write a letter, it will be longer than ever, so I'll just send you a card. Why wouldn't your wirte once in a while? I have a cold that has made me nearly sick so much so that I had to go the M.D. to get something to break it up. I am keeping house now while Mama is helping paint.

The crowd you see on the other side is a launch party from this years B.S. It was taken 8 miles north of Oregon[, Illinois].

No more room so goodby. Grace.


Vienna H.