Boy Scouts in Sugar Grove: History from 1930-1974

Boy Scouts in SG 1930-1974 B_000 - Reduced.jpg
Boy Scouts in SG 1930-1974 B_001 - Reduced.jpg


Boy Scouts in Sugar Grove: History from 1930-1974


History of Boy Scouts in Sugar Grove fro 1930 - 1974, including Boy Scout Troop 41

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Scouting has been going on in Sugar Grove since about 1930 or 1931. Mr. Victor Fighte, then basketball coach at Sugar Grove Hight School was Scout master at that time. A Scout troop has been active here on an intermittent basis since that time. Records, if any, are sketchy but the Big Rock Post of the American Legion was sponsor for many of those years. I am sure other organizations took their turn, but no records exist as to who or what years.

The troop died out again in about 1947, and early in 1949 the Sugar Grove Methodist Church official board was approached to sponsor a Scout troop in Sugar Grove. The board voted to accept the challenge.

The first meeting under this sponsorship was held at the home of Donald Myers on Monday evening, May 23, 1949. Groff Frantz was made Committee Chairman. Tom Frantz became Institutional Representative and Secretary-Treasurer, Arden Perschnick became Outdoorsman, Donald Myers was appointed Scoutmaster and Claude Tyler became his assistant. Mr. Albert Thurow of Yorkville acted as Counsellor at the meeting.

The first troop meeting under that charter was held Thursday evening, June 9, 1949. Charter members were: Darrel Livingston, Donald Bolly, Gerald Atkins, Kenneth Claesson, Robert Snow, Harold Lye and Richard Sears. Lye and Sears were not present at the 1st meeting but joined the next day.

Accurate records of dates, names of Scouts and Activities over the years are not available. We know that Gary Wilson was one boy to attend a National Jamboree during his career as a Scout. We are sure many highlights have been lost over the years. Scoutmasters and approximate dates of service include: Tom Franz 1950 and 1951; George Alexander acted as temporary Scoutmaster for part of 1952; and Sydney Warne took the post in the fall of that year. He served through 1956. Elmer Lambert took the job of Scoutmaster in January of 1957 and held this post for 2 years. Jack Huggins was his Assistant. Elmer joined the Commissioners staff at the time and Edwin Stanton accepted the Scoutmaster’s job. Stan Albright became Assistant Scoutmaster then and held this post 8 years. Troop 41 became a Pioneer Troop at this time, being one of the first troops to go to Camp Chin-Be-Gota, WI.

Prior to this point two attempts were made to establish Explorer posts. Mr. Jack Shouba was the first to act as Post Advisor. We have no record of the duration of this post. When Syd Warne gave up as Scoutmaster, it was to make a second attempt to establish Exploring here. Again the movement dwindled out.

Bill Keck took on the duties of Scoutmaster in 1966. At that time the troop had dwindled to 10 boys. In 1966 Bill left to attend college and Stan Albright accepted the office of Scoutmaster. Frank Damon became his assistant. The troop started growing faster then and some records came into being. Stan Albright, Jr. and Richard Damon became the first Sugar Grove Scouts to receive the God and Country awards in 1967. Also, at this time the first of a series of annual pilgrimages to Camp Chin-Be-Gota started. This chain is still going in 1974.

Joe Hoehn was moved to the post of Scoutmaster in January 1969. He served as neighborhood Commissioner for a year prior to this. Community growth and an ever expanding activity program, including camping, hiking, and canoeing contributed to a rapid growth in the troop since 1967. David Musser and Kevin Claesson became the first Eagle Scouts here in June of 1970. Any other Scouting records fell during 1971 and 1972. The troop register grew to over 50 boys at one point. Don Pfeffer came to the troop as Scoutmaster for the year 1973. At his request Joe Hoehn stayed on as troop committee chairman. Lloyd Feltz and George Point as Assistant Scoutmasters contributed greatly to the year’s successful activities. Four Scouts received God and Country swards in 1973. They were Dale Feltz, Tim Brumm, Randy Point and Dean Pashen. Jeff Everett was presented his Eagle award that year, also.

An Explorer post was revived in the community in December 1971 with the Lions Club as sponsors. The post Advisor was Jim Remington. At this writing he is continuing in that capacity. Mark Gemmer and Charles McGee completed their Eagle work as Explorers during 1973. Both Boys had been members of Scout Troop 41. Lloyd Feltz took on the duties of Scoutmaster as of January 1, 1974. Don Pfeffer is staying on as his assistant. Plans for this year include another first. We are planning to send a group of Scouts to Philmont Scout Ranch in Arizona. A full summer of other more local activities is also being planned.




Dave Seraphin