Cooper-Needham Blacksmith Shop: 214 Main Street
Cooper-Needham Blacksmith Shop, Built by Geo. Wolf; late 1800s, Pictures courtesy of: Vivian Needham
Drawing dated on back: 3-27-1996
Cooper / Needham / Knudson Hall and Blacksmith Shop, Built by Geo. Wolf; late 1800s,
Advertisement reads: "C.J. Knudson, Practical Horse-Shoeing, General Repair Work in Wood and Iron."
The building at 214 South Main Street was known as Cooper’s Hall. It included the Cooper & Needham Blacksmithing Shop (also known as the Knudson Hall and Blacksmith Shop) downstairs.
Upstairs, school and town activities took place on the 2nd floor, which included a basketball court, dining room, and stage. The court was so narrow that the folks on the one bench on each side had to stand up on the bench to keep their feet off the playing floor.
Drawing dated on back: 3-27-1996
Cooper / Needham / Knudson Hall and Blacksmith Shop, Built by Geo. Wolf; late 1800s,
Advertisement reads: "C.J. Knudson, Practical Horse-Shoeing, General Repair Work in Wood and Iron."
The building at 214 South Main Street was known as Cooper’s Hall. It included the Cooper & Needham Blacksmithing Shop (also known as the Knudson Hall and Blacksmith Shop) downstairs.
Upstairs, school and town activities took place on the 2nd floor, which included a basketball court, dining room, and stage. The court was so narrow that the folks on the one bench on each side had to stand up on the bench to keep their feet off the playing floor.
2001-8.d (Accession Number)
Late 1800s
Vivian Needham