Ben McCannon, Jr.: "Sugar Grove Boy Honored at College" (Photo with Ben McCannon, Leigh Sauer, and Stanley Snow)

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Ben McCannon, Jr.: "Sugar Grove Boy Honored at College" (Photo with Ben McCannon, Leigh Sauer, and Stanley Snow)


Newspaper Article and Photo:

"Sugar Grove Boy Honored at College"

Ben McCannon, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. B.G. McCannon, a graduate of Sugar Grove high school,, has been initiated by the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity at Iowa State college at Ames, Iowa.

During veisha celebration last week, he was one of thirty freshmen who received the "Minute Man" medal, awarded by the national society, Sons of the American Revolution, through Col. J.B. Ladd, donor, to those members of the first year basic course, field artillery and engineers, who have demonstrated the highest qualities of character, good citizenship, and military ability.


2001-3f.q (Accession Number)

