Owens Family: Obituary of Evan Owens (February 27, 1800 - April 5, 1884)
Obituary pasted into Owen's Family Bible
OBITUARY OF EVAN OWENS 2/27/1800 – 4/5/1884
Mr. Evan Owens, who died at his residence at Fairchilds, in this town, on Saturday last [April 5, 1884], was born in Carnarvonshire, Wales, February 27, 1800, and moved to this country [USA] in 1801, first settling at Lower Dublin, Philadelphia, and in 1813 at Remsen, New York, where since that time, Mr. Owens has resided. In 1829 he married Honorah, daughter of Bohan Smith, by whom he had nine children, six of whom are living. Mrs. Owens died about thirty years ago, and Mr. Owens was again married, to Catherine, daughter of D.W. Pritchard, who survives him and by who he had one daughter. Mr. Owens led a life of activity and usefulness, both in business and politics. He was a farmer, and endeavored to keep up with the times in agricultural improvement, and succeeded in accumulating considerable wealth. In politics he was a Whig while that party existed, when he became a Democrat. He had held nearly every office in the gift of the town, having been Constable, Collector, Poormaster, Assessor, Justice, Supervisor and Superintendent of Schools, making in all between forth and fifty years in service of the town. In 1830 Mr. Owens was nominated for Member of Assembly,, and though he was defeated, he polled five hundred votes more than anyone else on his ticket. He was a man who possessed the entire confidence of all who knew him. He led a life of strictest integrity, faithfully performing his duty in every position and under all circumstances, and by these qualities he acquired and retained popularity and the esteem of his townsmen to such and extent as seldom falls to the lot of anyone. Mr. Owens held liberal Christian views of religion and believed that life of moral rectitude was conduce to one of happiness. For a number of years his sight has been poor, and his health had gradually failed until it terminated in his death on Saturday. The funeral services were held at the residence yesterday where many friends and relatives were gathered, whence his remains were taken to Fairchild Cemetery.
Mr. Evan Owens, who died at his residence at Fairchilds, in this town, on Saturday last [April 5, 1884], was born in Carnarvonshire, Wales, February 27, 1800, and moved to this country [USA] in 1801, first settling at Lower Dublin, Philadelphia, and in 1813 at Remsen, New York, where since that time, Mr. Owens has resided. In 1829 he married Honorah, daughter of Bohan Smith, by whom he had nine children, six of whom are living. Mrs. Owens died about thirty years ago, and Mr. Owens was again married, to Catherine, daughter of D.W. Pritchard, who survives him and by who he had one daughter. Mr. Owens led a life of activity and usefulness, both in business and politics. He was a farmer, and endeavored to keep up with the times in agricultural improvement, and succeeded in accumulating considerable wealth. In politics he was a Whig while that party existed, when he became a Democrat. He had held nearly every office in the gift of the town, having been Constable, Collector, Poormaster, Assessor, Justice, Supervisor and Superintendent of Schools, making in all between forth and fifty years in service of the town. In 1830 Mr. Owens was nominated for Member of Assembly,, and though he was defeated, he polled five hundred votes more than anyone else on his ticket. He was a man who possessed the entire confidence of all who knew him. He led a life of strictest integrity, faithfully performing his duty in every position and under all circumstances, and by these qualities he acquired and retained popularity and the esteem of his townsmen to such and extent as seldom falls to the lot of anyone. Mr. Owens held liberal Christian views of religion and believed that life of moral rectitude was conduce to one of happiness. For a number of years his sight has been poor, and his health had gradually failed until it terminated in his death on Saturday. The funeral services were held at the residence yesterday where many friends and relatives were gathered, whence his remains were taken to Fairchild Cemetery.
2007-39.j (Accession Number)