Aurora Municipal Airport: Former location of Bolster Family Homestead.
The plaque on the large granite stone reads:
"BOLSTER. This hitching rock was recovered from the field and moved by two yoke of oxen and stoneboat to the cabin of Artemus Bolster who homesteaded Indian Land in 1844 on Wheeler Road. Seven generations of the family have lived at that site until it was taken by the Aurora Airport. Lyle Bolster and Charles Bolster 1994."
The Hitching Rock is located in the Sugar Grove Cemetery.
"BOLSTER. This hitching rock was recovered from the field and moved by two yoke of oxen and stoneboat to the cabin of Artemus Bolster who homesteaded Indian Land in 1844 on Wheeler Road. Seven generations of the family have lived at that site until it was taken by the Aurora Airport. Lyle Bolster and Charles Bolster 1994."
The Hitching Rock is located in the Sugar Grove Cemetery.
Tim Wilson