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Ralph Harkison reads the Declaration of Independence during the 170th Anniversary of the first 4th of July Celebration in Kane County, Bliss Woods in 1834.


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Harkison Family Photo:

Norm Harkison
Ralph Harkison
Andrew Harkison (Eldest son of Norman Harkison)
Kathryn Harkison (Twin of David Harkison, Parents are Ralph and Sue Harkison)
David Harkison (Twin of Kathryn Harkison, Parents are Ralph and…


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Frank H. Hall

Frank H. Hall was the Superintendent of West Aurora Schools when he was approached by a group of men from Sugar Grove about taking charge of a new school there. Thomas Judd, Henry Chapman, Silas Reynolds, Leonard Benjamin, and Lewis…


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Frank H. Hall

Frank H. Hall was the Superintendent of West Aurora Schools when he was approached by a group of men from Sugar Grove about taking charge of a new school there. Thomas Judd, Henry Chapman, Silas Reynolds, Leonard Benjamin, and Lewis…


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Frank H. Hall

Frank H. Hall was the Superintendent of West Aurora Schools when he was approached by a group of men from Sugar Grove about taking charge of a new school there. Thomas Judd, Henry Chapman, Silas Reynolds, Leonard Benjamin, and Lewis…


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Frank H. Hall

Frank H. Hall was the Superintendent of West Aurora Schools when he was approached by a group of men from Sugar Grove about taking charge of a new school there. Thomas Judd, Henry Chapman, Silas Reynolds, Leonard Benjamin, and Lewis…


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L to R: Verne Bjornson, Del Krieghbaum, Gene Love, Jack Huggins, Ray Fox, Dick Massier

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The lack of male fire fighters during daytime hours in Sugar Grove necessitated the development of women on the Sugar Grove Volunteer Fire Department to answer daytime calls. The first female fire fighters in the state - 1972.


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1978 Sugar Grove Fire Department

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