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Village histories: A look at Sugar Grove, Elburn and Maple Park – yesterday and today – Shaw Local.pdf
Shaw Media ran a story highlighting the history of Sugar Grove. Journalist Bryan Salvage wrote,

"In spring 1834, Asa McDole, brothers James and Isaac Isbell, plus nephew Parmeno Isbell, James Carmen and a man named Bishop camped together while…

Quilts by Vickie Frantz "Quilting V" Business Card and Stitched Label

Sugar Grove Historical Society fundraiser, Quilt, 2016, by Vickie Frantz

Sugar Grove Historical Society fundraiser, 2016, quilt created by Vickie Frantz

Sugar Grove Historical Society fundraiser 2016, quilt made by Vickie Frantz

(RESERVED for later class photo.)

(RESERVED for later class photo.)
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