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Donated by Hazel Helgeson, Minneapolis, Minnesota

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Donated by Hazel Helgeson, Minneapolis, Minnesota

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Inscriptions inside the Owen’s Family Bible were written by Grace Owen’s mother.

Evan Owens Remsen January 6th, 1850

Mighty one! Whom non can comprehend, and none explore, who fillest existence with thyself alone, embracing all, supporting…

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Hand written note by Audrey Claesson:

This dress belonged to Audrey Claesson's mother-in-law, Esther Heintz Claesson. It was not her wedding dress nor graduation dress as I [Audrey] have pictures of those. I don't know anything else about it. …

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White apron with black circles made by Electa Booth in 8th Grade. She won a pair of scissors as a sewing class prize.

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Effic Finley West
Helen Seavey
Berth Cole Meyer (Myers)
Pearl Whilden
Cora Calkins Needham
Belle Fisher Judd
Anna Harbour
Golda Denney
Della Carlson
Stella Seavey Meyers (Myers)
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