"BOLSTER. This hitching rock was recovered from the field and moved by two yoke of oxen and stoneboat to the cabin of Artemus Bolster who homesteaded Indian Land in 1844 on Wheeler Road. Seven…
* President, Sugar Grove
* Assessor, Sugar Grove
* Commissioner, Sugar Grove Fire District
* Charter Member , Sugar Grove Lions Club
* Boy Scout Pin from Troop 41
* Ten Year Service Pin, Red…
Keck's Store located at 221 Main St., Sugar Grove, Illinois.
The building of the Sugar Grove Supply Company located at 221 Main Street was built in 1893. It later burned down around 1918 and became the site of Keck's Store. Keck's store was built…
Keck's Store located at 221 Main St., Sugar Grove, Illinois.
In 1893, Will E. Keck and a few others formed the Sugar Grove Supply Company at 221 Main Street. Eventually, Will bought the others owners out and became the sole owner. The building…