In May and June of 1984, an archaeological dig was conducted on Bliss Wood Knoll near the location of the first log cabin built in Sugar Grove based on descriptions of the historic site. Several volunteers carefully delineated the dig site, surveyed…
In May and June of 1984, an archaeological dig was conducted on Bliss Wood Knoll near the location of the first log cabin built in Sugar Grove based on descriptions of the historic site. Several volunteers carefully delineated the dig site, surveyed…
In May and June of 1984, an archaeological dig was conducted on Bliss Wood Knoll near the location of the first log cabin built in Sugar Grove based on descriptions of the historic site. Several volunteers carefully delineated the dig site, surveyed…
In May and June of 1984, an archaeological dig was conducted on Bliss Wood Knoll near the location of the first log cabin built in Sugar Grove based on descriptions of the historic site. Several volunteers carefully delineated the dig site, surveyed…
In May and June of 1984, an archaeological dig was conducted on Bliss Wood Knoll near the location of the first log cabin built in Sugar Grove based on descriptions of the historic site. Several volunteers carefully delineated the dig site, surveyed…
In May and June of 1984, an archaeological dig was conducted on Bliss Wood Knoll near the location of the first log cabin built in Sugar Grove based on descriptions of the historic site. Several volunteers carefully delineated the dig site, surveyed…
In May and June of 1984, an archaeological dig was conducted on Bliss Wood Knoll near the location of the first log cabin built in Sugar Grove based on descriptions of the historic site. Several volunteers carefully delineated the dig site, surveyed…
In May and June of 1984, an archaeological dig was conducted on Bliss Wood Knoll near the location of the first log cabin built in Sugar Grove based on descriptions of the historic site. Several volunteers carefully delineated the dig site, surveyed…
At its regular Tuesday meeting, June 9, the Sugar Grove Boy Scout Troop 41 began its year-long preparation for its 50th anniversary celebration by visiting with three of the original troop members and…
Scouting has been going on in Sugar Grove since about 1930 or 1931. Mr. Victor Fighte, then basketball coach at Sugar Grove Hight School was Scout master at that time. A Scout troop has been active here on an…