Pictured (Left to Right): Kevin Claesson 1970 (One of the first Troop 41 Eagle Scouts), Donald Perrin 1974, Bryant Seraphin 1987, Scott Rubo 1995, Tom St. Jules 2007, Alejandro Barragan 2009, Sam Wolf 2016, David Wojak 2015, Austin Jordan 2014, Mark…
At its regular Tuesday meeting, June 9, the Sugar Grove Boy Scout Troop 41 began its year-long preparation for its 50th anniversary celebration by visiting with three of the original troop members and…
To help celebrate the history of Sugar Grove Boy Scout Troop 41's 70th Anniversary, Bill Keck displayed the patches and Order of the Arrow sash he earned as a scout with Troop 41.
Scouting has been going on in Sugar Grove since about 1930 or 1931. Mr. Victor Fighte, then basketball coach at Sugar Grove Hight School was Scout master at that time. A Scout troop has been active here on an…