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John Shields School Construction 1997-1998 Reduced.pdf
Kaneland John Shields Elementary School was constructed in 1997-1998 on the site of the previous Sugar Grove Elementary School. The School is located at 85 South Main Street, Sugar Grove, Illinois.

Neiser 1993 Roadscapes.pdf
Photos courtesy of:

Fred Neiser,
Insurance Broker,
PO Box 662, Sugar Grove, Illinois 60554

Main Street 1995_000.jpg
Photos courtesy of:

Fred Neiser,
Insurance Broker
PO Box 662, Sugar Grove, Illinois 60554

SG Elementary School Demolition 1997.pdf
The Sugar Grove Elementary School was located on Main Street where the Kaneland John Shields Elementary School currently stands. It was demolished in 1996-1997. It was also used as the municipal center for a time after it was closed.

SG Preservation Society 5K Run 1993.pdf

The Preservation Society of Sugar Grove wishes to thank the following sponsors for the success of the 1993 Preservation 5K Run:

Santilli's Produce Market
Pepsico - All Aport Sparkling Spring Water
House of Plenty
Bank of Sugar…

SG Village Hall Construction.pdf
The new Sugar Grove Village Hall and Police Department was constructed in 1994 at the southeast corner of Route 30 and Municipal Drive.

Photos courtesy of:
Fred Neiser,
Insurance Broker
PO Box 662, Sugar Grove, Illinois 60554

SG Wastewater Treatment Plant Tour 1993.pdf
The Sugar Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant was located on Bliss Creek near the Bliss Creek Golf Course. After the floods in the late 1990s which overwhelmed the facility, sewer lines were rerouted to the Fox Metro Wastewater Reclamation District in…

Bliss Road.pdf
Click on the first icon for the PDF file with a compilation of the photos.
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